Dress: Free People. Sweater: Nordstrom (Frenchi). Booties: Target. Bag: Kate Spade New York. Hat: Urban Outfitters. Necklaces: Forever 21. Bracelets: Vintage & flea market finds.
This year has been a good one so far. I have been enjoying my time off and relaxing, but also trying my best to make the most of this time off from school. I have two weeks left and I plan to use them effectively... meaning bubble baths and too much television, obviously.
I first want to say each piece of this outfit is amaze in my eyes. Probably wearing all my favorite pieces in one look. It's comfy and cozy and stylin' right? The fact that I used the word "stylin'"...oh man.
Jarrett and I went down to the canyon close to where we live and it was literally gorgeous. It's truly amazing how beautiful and peaceful the wilderness can be. God created such scenery for us and I sometimes feel like I should be out enjoying it more often. (After all that tv of course haha) It is definitely necessary to take a minute and soak in the gorgeous surroundings we live in... step away from the chaos of cities and breathe in that cool air under the trees. Go where the wild things are. It makes a difference, I'm tellin' ya. & yes, I stole that title from a movie. But i've never seen it!
Love you all! Thank you for reading and for following my journey & my outfits. You followers keep me going. An extra cyber hug to you today! <3 p="">
That dress looks so comfy and your pooch is too cute! Thanks for linking up for Look What I Got! Hope to see you back tomorrow!
Penniless Socialite
Kate Spade Giveaway!
Cute post, you have a great smile
I love the outfit! The hat and booties are perfect :)